Are you interested in getting a good credit score and want to know how to remove hard inquiries from your credit report? You're in luck, because I can tell you exactly what you need to do! This blog will teach you everything about removing hard inquiries from your credit report. This post has all of the information that's needed.
Read on:
Why should you remove hard inquiries from
your credit report?
Do you know what's on your credit report?
If not, it may be time to take a look. One of the most important elements of
your credit report is the list of inquiries that have been made in order for
lenders and other institutions to assess your risk level. While this sounds
like an innocent enough process, there are some things you should know about
these inquiries before they start affecting your ability to get approved for
Removing hard
inquiries from your report
It's a common misconception that hard
inquiries will stay on your credit report for two years. The truth is the
length of time they can be seen varies depending on the type of inquiry and the
credit bureau you're dealing with. For example, if you apply for a loan or open
up an account, this inquiry will remain on your report for two years from the
date it was added to your history. However, if you simply check your score
(i.e., by visiting Credit Sesame), this inquiry will only be shown in one month
increments which means it would disappear after six months instead of staying
there for two years like most other inquiries do.
Step 1: Check your Credit Report
Step 2: Get Information on the Creditors
Step 3: Write a Letter to the Creditors
Step 4: Write a letter to the Credit
For assistance with removing hard inquiries and other negative items from your credit report to increase your credit score quickly, contact CreditrepairEase for a free consultation call on (888) 803-7889.
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